Thursday, June 17, 2010

When coloring your hair,should you wash your hair~~~~~~~~~~~~?

the day before to make sure your hair is clean before applying the color? my mother and aunt say no,what should i do? i say wash yourhaie first then put the color in.

When coloring your hair,should you wash your hair~~~~~~~~~~~~?

No, I tell my clients 3 days dirty when they make an appointment with me for a hair color. The natural oils help protect the hair. And you have to use shampoo to get the color out....sometimes 2 shampoo's, which also helps dry the hair out.

When coloring your hair,should you wash your hair~~~~~~~~~~~~?

No. The instructions will even tell you not to wash your hair before applying color.

When coloring your hair,should you wash your hair~~~~~~~~~~~~?

You really dont have to. the chemicals from the dye will get rid of all the excess oil in your hair.

When coloring your hair,should you wash your hair~~~~~~~~~~~~?

Have you even bothered reading the instructions? You should dye unwashed hair. Your mother and aunt are correct.

When coloring your hair,should you wash your hair~~~~~~~~~~~~?

You can wash your hair the day before.

Do not wash it with in 12 hours of coloring takes out the natural oils in the hair and the color will not stay in as long.

When coloring your hair,should you wash your hair~~~~~~~~~~~~?

oil helps keep the color actually. So no, don't wash it

When coloring your hair,should you wash your hair~~~~~~~~~~~~?

Personal experience, it doesn't matter. I always wash my hair the day before.

When coloring your hair,should you wash your hair~~~~~~~~~~~~?

If you have a very heavy build up of hair products such as hair spray, mousse etc. Otherwise it is not necessary. It won't do any harm if you shampoo it first. Make sure your hair is completely dry before applying color. Natural oils in hair that has no build up can protect the hair and scalp.

When coloring your hair,should you wash your hair~~~~~~~~~~~~?

well unwashed, and g ood thing you are dying

dying yuor hair [darker] is so much better than bleaching it.

When coloring your hair,should you wash your hair~~~~~~~~~~~~?

If you are using an over the not wash first. It says to but washing will take away some natural oils. I never wash it first.

When coloring your hair,should you wash your hair~~~~~~~~~~~~?

Don't wash your hair before coloring. Day before should be ok but not right before.

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