Rub with petrol or kerosene
What is the best way to get at home hair coloring off of your skin?
rubbing alcohol on a cotton swab
What is the best way to get at home hair coloring off of your skin?
Peroxide and a lot of scrubbing.
What is the best way to get at home hair coloring off of your skin?
You can buy some hair color remover from a beauty salon shop.
But I usually just run the corner of a towel in water and put a drop of shampoo on it. Make it lather up and then rub the color on my skin. That usually does the trick.
What is the best way to get at home hair coloring off of your skin?
Alot of scrubbing or else give it a day or two and it will go away on it's own with regular showers.
What is the best way to get at home hair coloring off of your skin?
put a small amount of vaseline on then leave it for about an hour then take a shower and scrub it a bit with soap, works every time.
What is the best way to get at home hair coloring off of your skin?
Color removes color. Or shampoo and water
What is the best way to get at home hair coloring off of your skin?
You can go to a beauty supply store like Sally's that is open to the public and buy some color remover. It's gentle and will only take off the color that has stained your skin. If that isn't an option I would try an exfoliant with a grit to it. Skin stains because it is dry so if the color is really stubborn, try putting a heavy moisturizer on it and then exfoliate. Next time you do your color, try basing your hairline with a cream or heavy conditioner to repel the color from the skin. In addition to that, remove any color on your skin right away. One great little secret is that color removes color. So next time, right after you're done applying the color (if it's cream based), dab a little on your finger or the color brush and rub it on the parts that touched your skin, then clean it off right away with cotton or an old towel right up to your hairline. Good luck!
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